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Friday, December 6, 2019

The Strongest Women Are The Women With Anxiety

December 06, 2019 0
The Strongest Women Are The Women With Anxiety

The Strongest Women Are The Women With Anxiety 

They say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. If that’s true, then us women who suffer so badly from anxiety conditions are the strongest of all.
As we all know too well, when you have anxiety you’re trapped in a constant battle with your own mind. Every second of every day, you’re fighting just to keep control. It makes you doubt yourself. It makes you afraid to speak up, or to crack jokes, or even to get out of bed and hop in the shower. It’s exhausting. 
Sometimes you win. Sometimes the grey clouds that hover over your head clear for a moment. Everything seems brighter, colors look more vivid. But more often than not, you lose. You’re pulled back down into that pit and you’re forced to start over again from scratch. 
Doing this over and over again day after day wears us down. But the important thing is that we get back up every time we’re knocked down. That’s what makes us so incredibly, uniquely strong. Perseverance. We hang in there, no matter how hard things get. We put ourselves in the firing line, knowing it’s going to hurt. We force ourselves to do the things we don’t want to do – even if we’re not successful every time. 

We go on. We keep trying. We don’t give up, even though it hurts.
It’s too easy to just throw in the towel. It’s easy to give up, to decide that we’re going to stay inside all day and binge watch Netflix. Sometimes, that’s exactly what we do – sometimes it’s exactly what we need. 
But most of the time, we push through. We get ourselves up, we feed ourselves, we keep ourselves functioning. That is the truly incredible thing. That’s what makes us so special. That’s what makes you so strong. 
It’s hard being human at the best of times, but when a single thought or trigger can send your mind spinning off into a horrible, panicky train of thought at a moment’s notice the process of being alive can seem like nothing but a sick joke.
We all have good days and bad days. We have days when things seem to be a little easier, when everything seems to go that bit smoother. We also have days when it feels like we just can’t catch a break. Days when no matter how hard we try, nothing goes our way.
You try so hard. You give it your all, but sometimes it’s like it’s just never enough for you to feel normal. It’s never enough for you to feel like other people seem to feel. You look at them, wondering how they can live so easily and carefree while you’re melting down in anxiety. But you don’t give up.

And that’s the reason you’re so strong – that’s the reason all of us are so incredibly inspiring. As hard as it gets, we hang in there, for better or worse. We endure. We go on towards a brighter future – and we do it because we know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We never give up hope. We know it will all work out in the end. All we have to do is persevere, to get back up regardless of how many times life knocks us down and for that, we’re the strongest women in the world.

It’s Not That I Don’t Care, You’re Just Not Worth The Fight.

December 06, 2019 0
It’s Not That I Don’t Care, You’re Just Not Worth The Fight.

It’s Not That I Don’t Care, You’re Just Not Worth The Fight.

I’ve tried so hard for so long to make sense of everything. It’s been a long, difficult road to even get my head halfway clear enough to make a mature and responsible decision about what I want from us. But now that I’m finally seeing things properly, I want to lay everything out for you in order to explain. I know that you don’t understand, that you think that somewhere along the line I just stopped caring about you, but that just isn’t the truth.
You need to realize that there was a big part of me that wanted to keep on going like we have been. I could have gone in circles forever. 

But that isn’t what’s right. It isn’t what’s right for me, and it’s not what is right for you, either. I’ve spent so long trying to make things work that it’s hard to finally accept that it wasn’t meant to be, but I know now that I have to. 
There was a time when I thought things would all work out eventually. I thought that we’d smooth out all of the kinks, that the lying and the mistakes and the heartache would one day come to an end. But over time, I’ve woken up and smelt the coffee. The weeks turned into months, the months turned to years, and nothing changed.
I realized that the relationship we would have in the future would be the exact same as the one we had then. I looked deep into my heart and asked myself if I could do this forever, and the reply was both heart-breaking and strangely relieving. 
I realized that if I wanted to be happy, if I wanted both of us to be happy, then I had to let you go. It’s nothing personal. I still care about you. In fact, it’s because I care about you that I’m telling you this at all. We just weren’t meant to be, no matter how much we wanted that to be the case. 
I don’t regret the time we spent together. You taught me priceless lessons about love, about life, about the process of being human. You will always have a place in my heart. I just can’t do this anymore. 
I can’t carry on like this. I know nothing will change if we keep doing everything exactly the same, going around in these circles where we hurt each other and cry because all we want is to be happy together. I’ve realized that perhaps that just isn’t possible for us. 
So, it’s time for me to say goodbye. I know I wasn’t perfect, and I know you weren’t either. We both did our best, but our best wasn’t good enough, and that’s okay. It’s not something that we can control. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and go forward as better people.

I’m sorry that we didn’t work out. I’m sorry that we just weren’t right for each other. We both gave it our best shot, but it was never going to work. Now we have to part ways. Our roads go on, but they go on in different directions. Thank you for everything, and please try your best to understand. I get it if you hate me, if you never want to speak to me again, but I’m only trying to do what’s best. I hope that one day you understand.
Goodbye, and try to remember the good times we shared. I know I always will.

Love Will Find You When It’s Time

December 06, 2019 0
Love Will Find You When It’s Time

Love Will Find You When It’s Time.

On some level, all of us just want to be loved. We want to be wanted. We want to be cherished and appreciated and understood. 
The world can be a grizzly, depressing place. We all want that special someone to brighten it up, to protect us from the bad in our lives and hold our hand through hard times. We crave the love and affection that comes with being in a serious, committed relationship.
Sometimes, however, this craving for love causes us to rush into relationships with the wrong people in a desperate attempt to fill the empty void we sense inside of us. In our attempts to find love, stability, and companionship, we get ourselves involved with people who just aren’t right for us because we think it’s better to risk unhappiness than to be alone.
True love will come to you when the time is right. The real thing is worth waiting for.
It’s frustrating, but love is an elusive creature. You can’t make it happen; it needs to happen by itself, organically. When you’re ready, it will come to you.
You just have to wait.
Wait for the person who loves you more than life itself. Wait for the person who will treasure you, who listens to you when you talk and holds you close when you’re upset. 
Wait for the person who you’re best friends with. Wait for the person who understands you. Wait for the one who is honest and open with you, no matter how hard that might be.
Life is too short to be unhappy. There just isn’t enough time to settle for a relationship that doesn’t fulfil you. You have to make the most of the time you’ve been given. 
You have to be brave. You have to be okay with the idea of being on your own in order to give yourself the space you need to find true love. You have to be enough for yourself in order to avoid settling for someone you’re not right for just to avoid being alone. 
So, wait. It’s the only thing you can do. 
Wait for the one who makes you feel safe. Wait for the one who really cares about you. The one who supports you, encourages you, lifts you up, and makes you feel like you can do anything. 
Wait for the one who truly loves you. The person who tells you how they really feel. The one who feels like home.
Wait for the right person. You can’t hurry love, so be content in your own company for now; the right person for you is on their way. And when your souls finally meet, you’ll give each other the world.

God, Please Give Me Strength On The Days I Feel I Can’t Go On.

December 06, 2019 0
God, Please Give Me Strength On The Days I Feel I Can’t Go On.

God, Please Give Me Strength On The Days I Feel I Can’t Go On.

Sometimes, life feels like a perpetual struggle that I’m condemned to repeat. I push a boulder up a mountain all day, every day, only to have it roll back down every night. On and on I go, repeating the same monotonous routine, struggling just to live a life that I can enjoy and be proud of.
To be honest, life feels like this more often than it ever feels like anything else.
But what can I do? Is this all there is to it? Setback after setback? Failure after failure? Loss after loss? Every day presents me with a new list of reasons as to why I feel like I should just give up completely and throw in the towel. 
Will the suffering ever end? Sometimes, it feels like it won’t. But what’s the point in going on living when it’s a drag? I climb every obstacle that is presented to me. I continue to follow my path, no matter how difficult it gets, because I know that one day it will all be worth it. But after each and every battle I fight, there seems to be another one waiting for me just around the corner. 
So, I’m asking you. I’m begging you, God. I don’t want an easy life; I know that without pain and difficulty I wouldn’t know joy and happiness. I’m not asking for you to remove the obstacles from my path. All I want is for you to help me; give me the strength to keep going.
I want to keep going. Truly, I do. I have a lot of love for life. It’s just hard when times get rough and I can’t see a way out to find the will to continue. To drag myself out of bed every morning, to go to work. Life feels like a cycle I’m caught in with no choice in the matter.
So please, God. Please grant me the strength and determination to push through the difficult times and come out on the other side. I know that things won’t ever be all clear sailing for the rest of my life, but I just need some help to be able to weather the storms when they come. If I can do that, then I know I can hold on even in my darkest moments.
Deep down, I know that it’s all worth it. I know that none of this would be happening if it wasn’t. Please, help me to remember that. Help me to see that there are always warmer and brighter days ahead, no matter how grey and cold things might seem now.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

New Study Shows That A Wife’s Happiness Is More Important Than Her Husband’s For A Happy Marriage

December 05, 2019 0
New Study Shows That A Wife’s Happiness Is More Important Than Her Husband’s For A Happy Marriage
New Study Shows That A Wife’s Happiness Is More Important Than Her Husband’s For A Happy Marriage
There are so many cases of divorce in the United States nowadays, one cannot help but wonder why. Did they not know anything about each other before getting married? Did someone else come between them? Or did they just fight a lot? Regardless of these questions, everyone still goes into marriage believing that theirs will be a fairytale. So, what can you do to have a happy marriage? Well, this study right here shows that a happy marriage hinges on the wife’s happiness. 

Happy Wife Happy Life? 

You’ve probably heard this phrase at some point, but is there more to it than an easy rhyme? Yes, there is. A new study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family shows that regardless of how a husband feels about their marriage, he will be happy if his wife is happy. The researchers, Professor Deborah Carr from Rutgers, and Professor Vicki Freedman from the University of Michigan, assessed the quality of marriages and happiness in older couples by analyzing several related data. 
The study titled “Happy Marriage, Happy Life? Marital Quality and Subjective Well-being in Later Life” showed that “the more content the wife is with the long-term union, the happier the husband is with his life no matter how he feels about their nuptials.” 
According to Prof. Carr, “I think it comes down to the fact that when a wife is satisfied with the marriage she tends to do a lot more for her husband, which has a positive effect on his life. Men tend to be less vocal about their relationships and their level of marital unhappiness might not be translated to their wives.” 

How exactly did they arrive at this interesting conclusion? 

The study analyzed 394 couples, with at least one of the spouses, for over 60 years. The couples were married for 39 years on average. They were asked several questions such as, if they felt appreciated by their spouses, if they argue with them, and if they understand their feelings or of it just irritates them. The participants were also required to keep diaries in which they’d report their happiness levels in the previous 24 hours while carrying out some basic activities like grocery shopping or watching television. 

Some of the interesting findings they made 

On average, the couples generally were happy with their lives, going by their five out of six points. “Being in a higher-rated marriage was linked to greater life satisfaction and happiness from both spouses,” according to Prof. Carr. However, the marriages were rated higher by their husbands. 

They also found that wives were less happy when their husbands fell sick as opposed to husbands who remained as happy as they were when their wives fell sick. That probably doesn’t sit right with you, but it is a fact. It may be because wives tend to take on the bulk of the work when it comes to caring for a sick spouse. 

Now, let’s break it down some more 

All the ‘sciency’ talk aside, at the end of the day, what are they trying to say here? Essentially, a happy woman is more willing to “aim to please.” 
As Prof. Carr said, “If a wife is happy in her marriage, she will try hard to create a positive experience for her husband. So perhaps she listens to him more, she offers him more emotional support, or maybe she offers him more help with daily activities.” And that in itself is the basis of happiness. 
It doesn’t end there. We all know how volatile women can be when they’re angry. So when she’s mad, she gets confrontational, unlike the men who will sit and sulk. Of course, every man knows something is up when he’s receiving the silent treatment from his wife, but women are pretty much clueless when men stew in silence. This whole cycle just makes for a disastrous result. 
Is this study significant? 
Indeed it is. “[There was not] a significant association between spouse’s marital appraisals and own well-being. However, the association between husband’s marital quality and life satisfaction is buoyed when his wife also reports a happy marriage, yet flattened when his wife reports low marital quality,” said the researchers. That being said, the quality of a union can affect older people as they age. 
Also, Prof. Carr said, “The quality of a marriage is important because it provides a buffer against the health-depleting effects of later life stressors and helps couples manage difficult decisions regarding health and medical decision making.” [4]

Other studies do agree with this one 

An example of such a study is one where Millennium Cohort Study data from up to 13,000 British couples was analyzed. Harry Benson, research director for Marriage Foundation, and Professor Steve McKay at the University of Lincoln went through data of parents who had children in the year 2000 or 2001. They asked the parents how happy they were in the relationship when their child was nine months old and studied their data up until the children turned 14. 
Results showed that while both parents play a huge role in how the families turned out, the mom’s happiness is more important overall. They also found out that happy moms tend to raise teenagers with fewer mental issues than happy dads.  
And there you have it, proven beyond a reasonable doubt: a happy wife truly leads to a happy life. If you truly want a fairytale marriage, you just have to make your wife very happy. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be too hard to achieve since she also wants a happily ever after, and rest assured, you’ll be glad you did it.

This Is For The Women Who Think Too Much And Love Too Hard

December 05, 2019 0
This Is For The Women Who Think Too Much And Love Too Hard

This Is For The Women Who Think Too Much And Love Too Hard

You know who you are. The girls who receive a text and then can’t stop thinking about it all night, breaking it down and dissecting it in a thousand different ways in order to get to a deeper meaning that probably wasn’t even there in the first place.
The women who can’t help but worry about everyone else far more than themselves. The ones who make sure everyone else has eaten or is having a good time before they’ll even think to do the same.
You find that it often takes you forever to make up your mind or make a decision because you want it to be the right one. You want to make sure everything is perfect.
You find it hard to really experience life in the present moment. There’s always something that requires your attention, some thought or worry that needs to be attended to rather than witnessing your life unfold in real time before you.
Perhaps you dislike the fact that you overthink. Maybe you wish you could be like other people who always seem so laid back and able to go with the flow. This is especially true if your overthinking causes you more stress than it does you good.
When you fall for someone, you fall hard and fast. You’re not interested in just hooking up with someone, or being anything less than completely, totally, head over heels in love. It’s just your nature. You want someone who will always be there with you, who will be good to you, who you can trust completely and live out your dreams with.
Loving too hard and thinking too much go hand in hand. You find you analyze all the little things anyway, so overthinking every aspect of your relationship is only a natural progression.
When you meet someone who you fall for completely, you can’t give them anything less than one hundred percent. You can’t give them a little bit. You have to give them everything, to put all of your effort in to making them happy.
You love hard, without holding any of yourself back. You commit fully and completely to someone, and expect the same in return. You aren’t interested in anything less than real, life-long love.
You could never waste the time of someone you love. You don’t want to ever give them less than you think they deserve. You want to spoil them, to shower them in love and affection. They mean everything to you.
Somethings, having this attitude can blind you to some things in life. It can make you seem like a prime target to be taken advantage of. People might try to walk all over you. You might want to think so highly of someone that you can’t see when they’re being disloyal to you.
It can also make you extremely sensitive and overcautious. Perhaps you overanalyze to the point where you find issues and problems where there simply don’t need to be any. Maybe you find you’re upset and offended by things that wouldn’t even register on another person’s radar. You’re so scared of getting hurt that you try to do everything you can to prevent and avoid it at all costs, and that means picking up on every little thing that could potentially be bad or go wrong.
At the end of the day, you are who you are. You can’t and shouldn’t just force yourself to change. If you’re going to change, it has to be a natural progression stemming from being in a place where you have the confidence and security in yourself to trust the process.
You are brilliant. Thinking too much and loving too hard are just the symptoms of a person that cares to the very depths of her soul. You feel so much, and that manifests itself in the things you do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
You should, however, try your hardest to enjoy your life and trust the ones you love. You only get one chance to live your life, and if you’re not paying attention in the present moment it’ll pass you right by. You can never control people or things, so trying to stop yourself getting hurt isn’t possible. At a certain point, you need to let go of the need to be sure and let yourself trust the people closest to you. You will get hurt. You can never completely avoid it. But at least you’ll be living your life. You’ll be feeling all the things there are to feel, the highs and the lows.
If you can let yourself enjoy things more, you’ll realize how absolutely incredible it feels to truly be alive.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Bad at Relationships?

December 04, 2019 0
Bad at Relationships?

Ou can't turn on a TV or go out to see a film theater without seeing a show about, or a business for, an individual who's unfortunate in affection somebody who goes from awful date to awful date, attempting to discover love, until they at long last do just before the end credits roll. All things considered, it's not as fun, particularly when there's no manager ensuring that everything meets up. Luckily, in case you're terrible at connections, you have the chance to be your own screenwriter and address your negative behavior patterns.

There are numerous hindrances that square us from getting cherishing and enduring connections. In day by day life, the properties of being autonomous, decisive and exceptionally insightful serves individuals well in their professions and in business. In any case, since you have a solid handle in these highly contrasting everyday issues doesn't mean those equivalent characteristics will work well for you in the nuances required in keeping up and cherishing and equivalent relationship.

In some cases those outstanding character characteristics that permit you prevail in business or non-sentimental parts of your public activity are what genuinely keep you away from discovering love. Customarily, these are unhealed injuries created in youth or early connections as a guard components or endurance methods – keeping yourself from feeling defenseless or wild, which thus can prompt destructive sentiments of being uncovered or frail and in this manner not exactly.

Without staying alert that we're doing it, we might be hurling subliminal obstructions to getting love. Change is troublesome, both rationally and physically, so the demonstration of moving a more advantageous way normally hurls a sentiment of opposition.

As a reflex, we default to self-ensuring practices that may not prompt effective connections – practices, for example, self-damage, projection of negative qualities onto others and controlling activities, while giving a feeling of strength, just encourage broken connections over the long haul.

In any case, working with a relationship mentor can assist us with getting out from under these negative behavior patterns that have developed over a lifetime. From a goal viewpoint, a dating mentor can assist you with perceiving the examples that are keeping you away from taking a relationship to a long haul effective level where the two accomplices are glad and satisfied.

None of us have flawless correspondence or adapting aptitudes, yet those of us who are available to perceiving our shortcomings and effectively taking a shot at them to improve will have the most accomplishment at finding enduring adoration.

It might be a startling idea to "turn over the stone" and see what's underneath as for our shortcomings. Yet, at last, that difficult work of getting out the spider webs will bring a more prominent harmony and receptiveness that will work well for you in all parts of life.