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Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIFESTYLE. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2019

New Study Shows That Girls’ Trips Are Key To Being Happy And Staying Healthy

December 29, 2019 0
New Study Shows That Girls’ Trips Are Key To Being Happy And Staying Healthy

New Study Shows That Girls’ Trips Are Key To Being Happy And Staying Healthy

New Study Shows That Girls’ Trips Are Key To Being Happy And Staying Healthy
You think girls get most excited about diamonds and puppies? Well, think again. Nothing gets a girl happier than taking a well-deserved vacation with her friends. Traveling to a warm and sunny place, preferably one with clear blue water and white sand beaches has to be at the top of all girls’ bucket lists. Throw in a few of her best friends and you’ve got yourself the perfect stress relief recipe for girls. 

Now you have a reason to indulge 

It’s certainly refreshing to have a reason other than ‘it’s the weekend’ so you can take a girls’ trip. This time, science has determined it’s beneficial to your health. So, you can tell your boss that as your reason before riding off into the sunset for a couple of days. 
Social-personality psychologist Dr. William Chopik’s research has shown that these trips are very good for you because they can boost your happiness levels. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

“I’m A Sit Right Here With You” And Find Peace

December 21, 2019 0
“I’m A Sit Right Here With You” And Find Peace

“I’m A Sit Right Here With You” And Find Peace
“I’m a sit right here with You.”
My dear friend shared these original words with me the other day, expressing how she felt in her own relationship with God. She shared how hard the current season of life had been and how she had come to the conclusion that she wasn’t caving in or giving up. In her words expressed to Jesus – “I’m a sit right here with You.”
What I got from those words was, He was ALREADY present in her hard situation – already sitting with her, in order for her to be able to respond so intimately.

Never Alone: Here With You

It really struck me. We are never alone. We can feel so overwhelmed and alone, yet if we but look up and look across the table, there He is. Always there and always present, and always waiting on US.
I was listening to a short two-minute message from Mark Hall of the band Casting Crowns. He talked about Psalm 23, and his revelation of how God prepares a table IN the midst of our enemies. I sobbed all two minutes, start to finish. So simple. We are surrounded by enemies whispering, mocking, accusing, and waiting on our demise from our sufferings. But God. He sets up a table in their presence!

The Table With You

I picture this table experience like a picnic lunch being spread out on an eroding shoreline in the middle of a raging storm forming off of an angry sea. Who does that? God. Because He CAN! He is so NOT worried or concerned about our enemies – His only focus is on US. Here with you.
He comes to assure us that we are NOT alone. He doesn’t come with anything but Himself. Wow. He is enough and MORE than enough. I so want to grasp this! For my friend who experienced this, her response was exactly perfect. I am NOT going anywhere, Lord. NOT going to acknowledge my enemies standing behind me. I am NOT going to bail. NOT going to try to even escape ‘this’. I am going to just sit right here with You Lord. Just me and You Jesus. That is enough. Here with You.

Visualize The Table

Powerful! Let’s read it again though you’ve heard it a million times – “Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of my enemies.” (Psalm 23) Visualize what this looks like for YOU! Where do you see Him setting up a table for you? Treehouse? Ornate dining room? Corner cafe? Somewhere in a vast silent wilderness? Lonely prison cell? Middle of a crowded noisy street in Times Square? Quiet hospital room? Secluded cabin in the mountains? Smack dab on the shore of a raging sea? Wherever you see this table is set, make sure you add yourself in.
A table setting is a place of communion (remember the Last Supper), a place of family gatherings, sharing, comfort, security, intimacy, and love. Whether a tea party between a grandmother and grandchild or Sunday dinner at moms, a set table says YOU are welcome, I am here with you!

The King’s Table

Remember Mephibosheth, the crippled and forgotten son of Jonathan? King David sends for Mephibosheth, bringing him out of his lonely existence straight to the King’s table (keyword here – Table). He restores to him his family fortune, his good name, his inheritance. Mephibosheth felt unworthy and next to nothing and literally could barely look David in the eye because he felt so broken. “So David said to him, ‘Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for Jonathan your father’s sake and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather, and you shall eat bread at my TABLE continually.’” (2 Samuel 2:7) He who had had nothing, now had everything restored to him simply by sitting at the King’s table.

Feeling Alone

For me, I can feel very much alone in my personal solo journey I am on. I hear the voices of my enemies. And sense their foul breath breathing nearby. I smell their evil. It is suffocating sometimes to feel so alone. But then. Then Jesus Himself shows up. He just strolls over to me, in all His power and glory that is immersed in His being. Doesn’t even have to show up with chariots, and swords, and roaring lions. He could do that, but really He doesn’t have to. For He is Jesus. That is enough. And He sets a table for me…here with you.
He comes to be with me, in my mess. He comes to just BE. I just need to pull out my own chair and sit down. Once I am seated, I am safe. I am welcome. And I am loved. I am here with you.

Final Words: Here With You

I pray that those of you who feel chased, who feel alone, who feel like it is all just too much, will just sit down with Jesus. You are not alone. Not for a moment would He leave you to fight by yourself. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them (your enemies) for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
So pull out your chair and sit down at His table. Look Him in the eye and say, “I’m a sit right here with You.”

Can You Hear Me Now?

December 21, 2019 0
Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Jesus didn't yell to get attention and we shouldn't have to either...

Can You Hear Me Now?
You’ve heard it. You can quote it. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Jesus said it several times to the multitudes as He ministered to them the truths of God’s Kingdom.
And now, here we are, over 2,000 years later, and the question remains: Can you hear me now? (That’s my modern version of what Jesus was expressing.) Hear what? What was so important that Jesus would put such great emphasis on it?
First, let’s just acknowledge that Jesus was also saying that not everyone will hear (meaning, understand) the truths He was proclaiming. So it’s very important that you and I not fall in that category. We need to purposefully turn up our spiritual hearing aids so we don’t miss an opportunity to learn the secrets of the Kingdom.

What Did You Come to See?

The first time Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” was concerning John the Baptist. But before He made this statement, He asked the people, “What did you go out to see?” (Matthew 11:8-15). In other words, are you just a casual on-looker? Or a serious investigator?

John Wesley once said, “Get on fire and people from miles around will come and watch you burn!”
It’s human nature to just sit and watch a fire. But Jesus challenged that nature with the multitude. They had been raised to watch for the Messiah and John was the “Elijah” they’d been expecting to arrive, but sadly, most of them missed it.

Do You Want to Produce?

Of all the parables of Jesus, this has to be the most recognized: The Parable of the Sower. And it’s all the most recorded. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all heard those famous words again: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
Jesus even said of all the parables, if you don’t get this one, how else will you understand any of them?
God’s Word is like seed. Your heart is like ground. It’s that simple. But seed that is planted in wrong or ill-prepared soil won’t grow anything (and therefore won’t produce anything either). No wonder Jesus asked if anybody was listening!

Are You Pretending?

I was recently told by a friend in ministry that “tares” (or “weeds” as we would call them in West Texas) are actually called “cheats” by farmers. The reason is because they can look very similar to the wheat.
The wheats and the cheats is the most accurate picture of the world I’ve ever heard. Some cheats are easy to spot –but not all. And here’s how you can know the difference: When the wheat has a full head of grain, it bows under the weight of it. But tares (weeds or cheats) continue to stand tall, almost oblivious to their pride and self-exoneration.
No wonder Jesus said it would be easy to spot the “cheats” on the last day.  But humility reveals the true children of God. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Are You Adding Flavor?

I don’t know if I’ve ever tasted salt-less salt. It’s an oddity in my mind actually. I suppose it would be like putting sand on my tongue. And the mere thought of that makes me wrinkle my nose. So again, no wonder Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
If our lives are like salt that seasons and adds life and flavor to this decaying world, then it’s pretty important we don’t blend so much with our surroundings that we’re unrecognizable.
Have you heard someone sarcastically say, “Hellooooo??” It’s another way of saying, “Duh. Are you listening?” I think if Jesus lived today this might be how He would’ve challenged us. “Helloooo?? Anybody listening?”
You are the salt. You are the soil. You are the real. And you are the messengers.
Jesus didn’t yell it and we shouldn’t have to either. But we better be listening.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

It’s science: Giving Experiences Instead Of Toys Boosts Your Kid’s Intelligence + Happiness

December 19, 2019 0
It’s science: Giving Experiences Instead Of Toys Boosts Your Kid’s Intelligence + Happiness

It’s science: Giving Experiences Instead Of Toys Boosts Your Kid’s Intelligence + Happiness

Our children are our world, the reason why we fell in love with life. When I became a parent, I understood the meaning of life.
I also understood the irrational urge to splurge on toys and clothes. However, I might have finally found a reason to stop.
If you are like me, rushing around just to get tons of gifts for your children for Christmas, slow down for a minute and read this- apparently, scientists indicate that too many toys might make them less happy.
It might sound illogic at first, but according to childhood development researcher, Clair Lerner, children who are given too many toys, in fact, play less, as they distract them and cause concentration loss.
Michael Malone, a professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Cincinnati, agrees, as his findings indicate that fewer and better toys help kids develop valuable life skills like cooperation and sharing. On the other hand, too many toys might lead to more solitary play.
So, instead of buying a lot of toys for your children, give them your time.
A study conducted at Oxford University, involving 3,000 children, aged 3-5, showed that their academic success is more influenced by the home environment and the involvement of their parents, than the electronic devices or toys they have.
Kids whose parents spend more time with them, and had fewer toys and no electronics, were far more socially and emotionally developed and did better at school.
When parents spend more time with their children, they contribute to a healthier parent-child relationship, with children wanting to cooperate. These benefits continue later in life, and make teenage years go more smoothly.
A study, published in Infant Behavior & Development, suggests that when children are in an environment with fewer toys, they have a happier, healthier playtime.
The study involved 36 toddlers aged 18-30 months for half an hour in two different playrooms: one with four toys and the second with 16 toys.

When in the room with fewer toys, kids were more creative and actively involved, and explored different ways to use the same toy.
Researchers concluded:
“This suggests that the other toys present may have created a source of external distraction, provoking the participants to abandon play with a toy at hand to explore another.”
Additionally, studies conducted by Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University, indicate that happiness comes from experiences, not things. When kids receive experiences instead of objects, they are more generous and grateful.
Therefore, forget about your wallet, and start having fun with your little miracles!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

8-Year-Old Boy Hugs Nurse Who Gave Him Part of Her Liver to Save His Life

December 15, 2019 0
8-Year-Old Boy Hugs Nurse Who Gave Him Part of Her Liver to Save His Life

8-Year-Old Boy Hugs Nurse Who Gave Him Part of Her Liver to Save His Life

Have you ever considered being an organ donor? These kind strangers do a remarkably good deed, something they will be remembered for. Can you imagine the happiness after saving someone’s life?
When the eight-year-old Brayden was diagnosed with an aggressive virus that attacked his liver in April this year, his parents, Ruth and James Auten felt were devastated.
The boy, who had just finished competing in the state wrestling championship, needed a liver transplant as soon as possible. His parents shared the story online, hoping to find a donor, but they couldn’t find one.
At this point, Camie Loritz, an ICU nurse in Milwaukee, tried to help and found out she was the perfect match.
Both surgeries took place on May 15, but Loritz wanted to stay anonymous. After two weeks, the hospital organized a meeting for them to meet each other, and they embraced each other with hugs.
Brayden’s father wrote:
“She has given up time and went through pain to make sure that my son has a chance to walk by my side again and be able to live and thrive like a regular 7yr old boy. So thank you Cami Loritz I will never be able to repay the gift that you have given my son and all of us!”

He later commented that what she did was entirely selfless, and she saved his son’s life.
Brayden’s mom, Ruth Auten, said they cannot thank Loritz enough, and now consider her as one of their family. Brayden returned to his home in July after recovering from the partial liver transplant, and he is back to school now.
In September, Loritz thanked everyone for supporting her and the little hero:
“Now that we are almost 4 months post-transplant it’s heartwarming seeing Brayden enjoy being a kid again, no argument he’s stinkin’ cute! I am beyond thankful his family gets the chance to have their little boy back and healthy,” Loritz said.
“With that said, both the Auten’s and I don’t want this happy ending to end here. … Living organ donation is a FEASIBLE concept to SAVE LIVES! On top of all the love and support we’ve received we’re asking for your help to educate the public and raise awareness about living organ donation.
Help us lessen the deficit between the number of organs needed and the number of organs available. … *Special shout out and thank you to the Transplant Team, Transplant ICU, and 4NW staff (especially nurses ) at Froedtert Hospital for making this all possible!”
The liver is among the largest body organs, and it has numerous important roles, like converting nutrients from foods into useful substances, absorbing toxins and converting them into harmless substances, and producing proteins.
Liver viruses cause vague symptoms, so it is often challenging to diagnose the liver problem at an early stage.
A liver transplant is an option when the patient has a diseased or failing liver, and the surgery can last between 6-8 hours. Before a patient is added to the waiting list for an organ donor, the risks and the benefits of the surgery are carefully analyzed.
A good candidate for a liver transplant should meet some criteria, such as to suffer from a severe, irreversible medical condition with short-term life expectancy, to be an active substance user, to have severe pulmonary hypertension, to suffer from a systemic or uncontrollable infection or cancer that spreads to other body parts.
In most cases, liver donors are people who have been declared brain dead, if their next of kin have agreed. A partial liver can be donated from a living person, a relative or a friend.
In some cases, it is a complete stranger that can save your family, as Loritz did.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Never again will I waste my time. Because although I have before, I will not settle. “Never again.”

December 06, 2019 0
Never again will I waste my time. Because although I have before, I will not settle. “Never again.”

Never again will I waste my time.

Because although I have before, I will not settle.

“Never again.”

We all crave love and affection, and when these things are combined with and the emotional support and affirmation that can come from a relationship it can be all too easy to make finding a permanent partner your main priority and goal in life.
This can cause many people to settle for a romantic partner that doesn’t quite complement their own personality and life, and isn’t quite up to scratch. The fear of being alone and the desire to find someone pushes lots of people towards being in relationships that aren’t really right for them.

There’s plenty more fish in the sea
This old saying contains a great deal of truth – there are plenty of people out there that would be great for you. Life is bigger than any one person, so don’t let it get you down if the person you’re into turns out to not be so good for you. Just move on, and keep looking for someone that’s right for you.
Settling for someone that you don’t really totally click with just because you’re afraid you won’t find anyone who’s a better match for you is just selling yourself and your future happiness short. You can and you will find someone else, and if you wait long enough you can and will find someone who is much more suited to building a life with you.

Someone out there will love you like you deserve to be loved
You deserve to be in a healthy, loving relationship. You deserve to have someone who loves you for who you are, someone who will listen carefully when you speak and give you their honest and thoughtful advice. You deserve to have someone by your side that you enjoy spending time with, someone who you feel calm and peaceful and happy around. Relationships need chemistry. They need a spark, a real romance where both people feel crazy about each other.
Everybody deserves to be loved. You shouldn’t settle for a relationship where you feel undervalued and unappreciated. If you do that, you’re selling yourself short. If you sell yourself short in your relationship and accept being with someone who doesn’t love you properly, you’ll regret it forever. You’ll always want to know what could have been if you’d been with someone really special, someone who makes you feel incredible.

Life is too short to be unhappy
Live is short. It’s far too short to be anything other than happy. Not just content, but fulfilled and satisfied in all aspects of your life. One of the most important parts of your life is your relationship. If you’re unfulfilled within it because you decided to settle for someone that doesn’t satisfy you in the way you desire, you’ll find it extremely difficult to really be happy. You’ll be left wanting more, because you chose a comfortable position over really chasing the person of your dreams.
You deserve to live an amazing life, one where you’re living your dreams and experiencing true happiness and enjoyment. No one is perfect, and everyone has their flaws, but you know deep down when you’re settling for someone and when someone is an extremely good match for you. If you settle in your relationship, you’re giving up your control over your happiness and your life fulfilment. Don’t let yourself live a life that isn’t your best because of the fear of being alone.

Love comes naturally – you can’t force it to work
A healthy relationship needs respect, honesty, trust, and effort. These things are fundamental values and principles that a person either does or doesn’t have – and if they don’t, you can’t force them to have them. Learning the lessons required to become a person who values these things takes a long time. If the love in your relationship is having a hard time blossoming because your partner doesn’t value these things, you’re not going to be able to change them into someone else or fix them.

Making a relationship work is difficult for anyone, but when the love won’t come naturally between the two of you because you share similar values and principles, you need to take a step back and assess things. A long-term relationship should be with someone that is your best friend, lover, and life partner. If you’re not with that person, you’re settling, and you’ll regret it forever.
Being with the wrong person can be far worse than being alone. If you refuse to settle for a poor-quality relationship, you’ll be far happier, fulfilled, and in control of your life. The right person will come along eventually – and if not, so be it. It’s better to be in control of your life and your happiness than it is to be with someone who takes it away from you.

So be a person who loves with passion and with fullness. Don’t waste time loving someone who doesn’t love you wholly in return. And don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary love

You broke her heart. Now she’s gone for good.

December 06, 2019 0
You broke her heart. Now she’s gone for good.

You broke her heart. Now she’s gone for good.

If she was the one and you let her go, you already know what you’ve lost.
Perhaps you knew she was the right person when you left her, but you thought the timing was wrong. Maybe you didn’t realize just what you had while you had her, so you left her behind and started a new chapter, only to realize further down the line that you’d made a mistake. Maybe you took her for granted and didn’t make her a priority in your life, gradually pushing her away until she left you. Whichever way things panned out for you, she was your soulmate and you missed your chance with her because you were too blind to see it. You didn’t realize what she meant to you, or exactly what it would have taken to be with her.
You had someone incredible. She was devoted to you. She loved you more than she ever thought it was possible to love, and you threw it all back in her face.
You broke her heart.
She went from thinking you were the one, her true love and the only person for her, to knowing that it wasn’t enough for you and that you didn’t see it the same way. You tore her heart in two, but you’ll be the one that suffers in the long run. When you broke her heart, she realized you weren’t the person she thought you were. Now she’s gone for good, no matter how much you might regret leaving her, no matter how much you might want her back.
Now you know what you’ve lost.
All of those walks in the park on summer days, when you’d hold hands and laugh together. The meals you cooked together, the movies you watched while you both ate from the same box of popcorn. All those things are gone. They’re memories now, fading like footprints in the sand. You know what you had, and you know what you’ve lost. You know it’s never coming back.
She was your best friend. She laughed at your jokes, and watched with a smile on her face as you did the things that make you happy.
She was your lover. She held you close at night, and kissed you in the morning as you were waking up.
Now she’s a stranger, and there’s nothing left for you to do other than accept that she’s never going to be those things for you again.
All you can do is learn from your mistakes.
What’s done is done. The past is the past, and there’s nothing you can do to change what happened. You can apologize and try to make things right, but you won’t ever be able to make things go back to the way they were. You broke her heart, and even if she forgives you, she’s never going to forget that.
You can’t dwell on the past, however. You have to move on, you have to try to learn from the things that you regret doing or not doing. You have to let the mistakes of the past help you build a brighter future.
If you’re ever lucky enough to meet another incredible woman, make sure you get it right.