Love Will Find You When It’s Time -

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Friday, December 6, 2019

Love Will Find You When It’s Time

Love Will Find You When It’s Time.

On some level, all of us just want to be loved. We want to be wanted. We want to be cherished and appreciated and understood. 
The world can be a grizzly, depressing place. We all want that special someone to brighten it up, to protect us from the bad in our lives and hold our hand through hard times. We crave the love and affection that comes with being in a serious, committed relationship.
Sometimes, however, this craving for love causes us to rush into relationships with the wrong people in a desperate attempt to fill the empty void we sense inside of us. In our attempts to find love, stability, and companionship, we get ourselves involved with people who just aren’t right for us because we think it’s better to risk unhappiness than to be alone.
True love will come to you when the time is right. The real thing is worth waiting for.
It’s frustrating, but love is an elusive creature. You can’t make it happen; it needs to happen by itself, organically. When you’re ready, it will come to you.
You just have to wait.
Wait for the person who loves you more than life itself. Wait for the person who will treasure you, who listens to you when you talk and holds you close when you’re upset. 
Wait for the person who you’re best friends with. Wait for the person who understands you. Wait for the one who is honest and open with you, no matter how hard that might be.
Life is too short to be unhappy. There just isn’t enough time to settle for a relationship that doesn’t fulfil you. You have to make the most of the time you’ve been given. 
You have to be brave. You have to be okay with the idea of being on your own in order to give yourself the space you need to find true love. You have to be enough for yourself in order to avoid settling for someone you’re not right for just to avoid being alone. 
So, wait. It’s the only thing you can do. 
Wait for the one who makes you feel safe. Wait for the one who really cares about you. The one who supports you, encourages you, lifts you up, and makes you feel like you can do anything. 
Wait for the one who truly loves you. The person who tells you how they really feel. The one who feels like home.
Wait for the right person. You can’t hurry love, so be content in your own company for now; the right person for you is on their way. And when your souls finally meet, you’ll give each other the world.

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