NyFeed.pro: WOMEN'S

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Showing posts with label WOMEN'S. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2019

20 Things That Will Make You More Productive Than Ever

December 02, 2019 0
20 Things That Will Make You More Productive Than Ever

20 Things That Will Make You More Productive Than Ever

The last year has been huge for me. I’ve got more things done than ever, switched careers and countries, spent loads of time with my family and friends, kept a healthy lifestyle, and exercised at least 5 times a week.
Many variables determine your overall productivity. Tools, apps, or hacks, don’t work if you lack the right mindset because productivity is a way of living.
It’s about achieving maximum output, getting shit done, and not wasting time. I think that output and happiness go hand in hand. To me, doing nothing equals misery.
Nyfeed.pro want to share 20 things I’ve done in the past 12 months that have made me more productive than ever.

  1. Always Cut To The Chase
    With everything in life, there’s a bunch of crap, and there’s stuff that matters. Chit chat, small talk, delaying, waiting around, not speaking up, is all useless. If you want to get shit done, you have to jump straight into the action.
  2. Record All Your Thoughts And Ideas
    Similar to computers, we have a Random Access Memory (RAM). Your human RAM stores relevant short-term information. But your RAM capacity is limited. When it’s full, older information that you have stored will be deleted to make room for new information. You want to write down your thoughts to unload your RAM, which gives you more brainpower. Even if you never take a look at that note again, it’s still worth it.
  3. Say No
    When it comes to work, I say no to everything that doesn’t support my goals and values. We live in an abundant world — there are always enough opportunities. In my personal life, I say no to everything that doesn’t thrill me. When I think ‘meh’ about something, I always say NO. That eliminates wasting time on shit that I’m not excited about.
  4. Take A 5 Minute Break Every 30 To 45 Minutes
    You can stretch your back, walk around, drink some water. But more importantly, you take your nose out of your work. When you come back to your desk, you might have new ideas. Or, you might think: “WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?” And stop it before you waste all your time.
  5. Eliminate Everything That Distracts You
    Willpower is overrated. If something distracts you, eliminate it. One of my friends has a news addiction. I suggested to get rid of his tv, delete his news apps, and block the news sites on his laptop. Two weeks later he told me that he’s finally starting a business. Don’t think you’re immune to your distractions. Remove them.
  6. Keep Away Clutter
    A cluttered life means a cluttered brain. And with a cluttered brain, you can’t get stuff done. I prefer a simple work and living environment. A desk, a laptop, and a notebook. Keep it simple. You don’t need any fluff.
  7. Focus On 1 Thing Some Days
    If you have recurring tasks, try to do as much of the same thing on one day. I write 2–3 blog posts on 1 day, the other days of the week I use for my other projects and businesses. On my writing days I turn off my phone, and just write. Nothing else gets in the way.
  8. Stop Consuming So Much Information
    You don’t need to read 5000 articles on productivity. If you find useful information, try it. Don’t search for more. More is not always better. You can only process so much of it. Stop consuming, start creating.
  9. Create Routines
    Decisions fatigue your brain. And routines eliminate decisions. Which ultimately means more brainpower. Routines are not OCD — they are efficient. Use them.
  10. Don’t Multitask
    When you juggle multiple things simultaneously, like; sending an email, texting a friend and checking your Facebook while you are in a meeting, you engage in context switching. In a research done by Gloria Mark of the University of California, Irvine, it showed that it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to the original task after an interruption. That’s a waste of useful time.
  11. Check Email Twice A Day
    Every time you check your email, you get a rush of dopamine. I get it — checking email feels nice, and most of us are addicted. While dopamine may cause a rush, it also exhausts you. That is why you still feel tired at the end of the day while you have not been productive. To minimize that, turn off notifications, and check your email only twice a day on set times.
  12. No Smartphone During The First Hour Of Your Day
    A smartphone’s primary function is to interrupt you. But don’t let other people or apps interrupt you during the first hour of your day. Take that first hour to think about the day ahead of you, read a book, enjoy your breakfast, coffee or tea.
  13. Plan The Next Day
    Every night before I go to bed, I take 5 minutes to set my priorities (usually 3–4) for the next day. That makes me more focused when I wake up. I find that I waste time if I don’t do this practice. It’s cool to ‘go with the flow’. The only problem is: I don’t want to be a dog that mindlessly chases cars.
  14. Keep ‘Thinking’ To A Minimum
    When people say: “I’m thinking.” They mean worrying by thinking. Don’t think too much. Just DO, and see what happens. If you like what you’re seeing, continue. If not, do something else.
  15. Exercise
    A few things are vital in life: Food, water, shelter, relationships, and exercise. Without this stuff you can’t function properly. Scientific research shows that regular exercise can make you happier, smarter, and more energetic.
  16. Laugh A Little
    Laughing reduces stress. And if you want to keep up your productivity, you don’t want stress. So move the corners of your mouth upward as much as you can.
  17. Don’t Go To Meetings
    This is a tough one for people who work for corporations. Some companies have a ‘Meeting’ culture. People organize meetings just to look important or procrastinate real work. For goodness sake, PLEASE STOP.
  18. Is That Really Necessary?Ask yourself that question as often as you can. You will find that your answer is often: Nope. So why do unnecessary things?
  19. If You’re Having A Shitty Day, Press Reset
    You might screw up, maybe someone gets angry with you—shit happens. Don’t get down about it. Take some time alone, meditate, listen to music, or go for a walk. Try to get back on track — don’t let your day go to waste.
  20. Do The Work
    Yes, talking about work is easier than doing it. Everyone can do it. But you’re not everyone, right? You’re a productivity beast. So act like one.
Without these 20 things, I wouldn’t be productive at all. You may have noticed that I don’t get into details, like which tools and apps I use.
I don’t think that stuff matters. It’s about creating a productivity mindset and environment that lets you thrive.
I only care about getting things done in a fun and not stressful way. That makes doing work way more fun and rewarding.


December 02, 2019 0


Life is empty without having someone to share the joy and sorrow, enjoy adventures together, someone you know has your back. Friends are the family we choose.
A true friend in life is invaluable. Friends can sometimes confuse us, enrage us, or challenge us, but they are crucial to our wellbeing just like regular physical exercise and a healthy and balanced diet.
Friends help us grow through each stage of life.

These are the types of friends you should keep in your life forever:

1. The good listener
If your friend is there when you need to share something exciting, challenging, or deeply personal, it brings you closer, and you feel supported and valued.
Good listeners are the best advice-givers. If your friend truly listens to you, keep him around all the time.
2. The honest friend
This one is very important. You always need to have an honest person beside you, to have someone to trust in, who will tell you the truth without sparing you.
3. The generous friend
A generous person is a true treasure. These people are not selfish, but respectful and loving, so it is wise to fight for him to stay in your life.

4. The uplifting friend
People who are positive and motivated, always greet you with a smile, and who lift you up are worth hanging on to.
This friend will believe in you and encourage you to pursue your dreams and never give up. Moreover, he will always find a way to boost your mood and calm your worried mind.
5. The dreamer
Your dreamer friend will boost your creativity and imagination too. These people try hard to improve the world we live in and make things better, so everyone needs to be in the company of such visionary temperament and deeply sensitive people, characterized by their loyal and gentle nature.
Yet, each friend is a different story, and you can have different reasons for choosing one to stay in your life and share your time with him.
What is important is to remember that you also need to be a good friend, if you want to enjoy true, loving friendships in life.

A Sister Is More Than Family

December 02, 2019 0
A Sister Is More Than Family

A Sister Is More Than Family

Family relationships can be complex, and our home is the only place in the world where we cannot be anyone else but us.
I have learned from my personal experience that unfortunately, we are often the least kind with our closest ones. Yet, the bond between siblings is special, powerful, and strong, even in tough times.
If you have a sister, you know that despite all your differences, she is the first person you would turn to in good or bad.

Here are 9 reasons why your sister is the greatest gift your parents have you:

1. Sisters help build your character.
You surely remember many of the character-building from your childhood. Sisters learn from each other, and if your sister is older than you, we believe she has been your role model until late in life.
2. You can vent to her.
Your sister is the first person you can unload on whenever you feel stressed, and she will forgive you and love you no matter what.
3. She was happy to drive you around before you got your license.

Those were great days, weren’t day? Your schoolmates thought you were cooler than them as you were riding with seniors, and the teachers knew her sister and loved her, so they now loved you as well.
4. She helped you learn all the grown-up stuff.
An older sister will help you through all the bizarre and tedious grown-up stuff. She will keep you covered.
5. She’s great to copy.
One piece of advice that will keep you safe in life: Copy your sister and you will do fine, in high school, at work, with your first boyfriend.
6. She’s your guru.
A bigger sister has tried it all already, so she can be your personal advisor, and lead you in life.
7. She always has your back.
Your sister offers unconditional support, and she is someone you can trust, someone who will always have your back.
8. They can have real conversations with you.
Your sister will be there for you whenever you need a real conversation, and she will be a good listener, offering the best advice to help you.
9. She taught your parents a lot.
A bigger sister is the one that will teach your parents valuable lessons, so they will be much more understanding when you have grown up to repeat her mistakes.
If you and your sister aren’t on good terms, it is probably high time to try and reconcile. Remember, good fences make good neighbors.
Joseph R. Sanok, MA, a professional family counselor and author of five books, advises:
 “The key to establishing good relationships as adults—especially with siblings you may have had a rocky relationship with in the past—is to make good, clear boundaries.”
You should know that you need and ask for your relationship, tell your sister your non-negotiable rules, and identify your personal triggers. When you have established what will make both of you feel safe and happy, you are off to an excellent start.
Soon, you will realize you missed her so much!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

God Will Send You The Right Person At The Right Time. Trust His Judgment

December 01, 2019 0
God Will Send You The Right Person At The Right Time. Trust His Judgment

God Will Send You The Right Person At The Right Time. Trust His Judgment


When my mother or grandmother recount their love stories and discuss what relationships were like in the times they lived in, I become even more confused and afraid that things cannot go that smooth these days.
Despite the numerous advancements it brought with itself, the new era has also made some aspects of life a bit more challenging, and this involves dating as well.  Love is not at all simple in modern society, so we fear to show it, in order not to get hurt again.
After many relationships, breakups, arguments, failed dreams, and a too-many-times-broken heart, many of us find it the wisest to just give up and accept the sad reality that they will never find true love.

However, this is the exact time when you should go on instead of giving up!
It is believed that when people are surrendering, and believe they will never discover love, this is the precise time they should continue onward with confidence in God since it very well may be His trying of their quality and confidence.
God is just testing your strength and faith, your bravery and desire for love. And most importantly, He is testing your patience.
Have you heard someone say that they have got the thing they so longed for the moment they thought they should give up? Even if you are not a believer, you can be sure that everything happens for a reason.
God has a plan for us all.  Even when we cannot understand why some things happen to us, in the end, everything will be clear to us.  God wants to see us happy, fulfilled and loved, sharing life with someone who is the soul of your soul.
Yet, the right person will enter your life only when you are ready, and there is perfect timing for everything in life.
It may be at the moment you’ve given up and lost all hope when you are going through a hard breakup when you think it would be better to focus on work, or after months or years of dating the wrong people and suffering because of it.
After a series of dates with the wrong people for you, the right one will come at the right time.
And everything will then fall into place.  Remember, you should be grateful even for the things you consider tragic in life, as they surely were valuable lessons that help you go towards your true love.
Meanwhile, never lose faith in God, and soon, you will meet the incredible one He has saved for you.

Women Who Stay Single For A Large Period Of Time End Up The Happiest

December 01, 2019 0
Women Who Stay Single For A Large Period Of Time End Up The Happiest

Women Who Stay Single For A Large Period Of Time End Up The Happiest

A happy and loving relationship is something we all long for. Having someone dear by your side in good and bad, supporting you and protecting you is often the key to success in life.
However, being single can also be fulfilling. I believe the only way people can build a strong, affectionate relationship and a stable home, filled with love, is by accepting themselves as they are.
Very often, it takes time to start loving yourself first. Therefore, it is far from a mistake, but sometimes it is the only right thing to do, to dedicate enough time to get to know your true self.
According to Mintel’s Single Lifestyles UK 2017 Report, 61% of single women claim they are happy with their relationship status, compared to 49% of single men.
Jack Duckett, Senior Consumer Lifestyles Analyst at Mintel, explains:
“It is easy to assume that all singletons are actively looking for a partner; however, our data shows that this is far from always being the case. Much of this reluctance to look for a partner can be attributed to the young increasingly prioritizing their education, careers and financial stability over being in relationships.”

Numerous women realize their success in life is not based on their love status, and they can be perfectly happy on their own as well.
They realize that they would rather stay single instead of being in a toxic relationship. They do not need a partner to enjoy the beauty of life and are not afraid to be alone for as long as it takes until they find the right person to share their days with.
Many women who have stayed single for a long time end up the happiest, as they have become complete individuals, and can eventually become a couple with a person that matches their needs, and aspirations.
Here is why these women end u the happiest, after being single for a long time:
-They learn to enjoy their own company
-- They have plenty of time to understand what they truly need in life
-- They use the time to focus on their goals and needs and to follow their passions
-They develop deeper bonds with their relatives and friends
-They enjoy their independence
-- They pursue their dreams and goals and do not give up on them
-- They embrace their solitude and they are comfortable with themselves
-- They have no problem to go alone in public until they find a suitable partner
-- They chase their dreams instead of guys
-- They realize that they do not need a romantic partner to be the center of their world
-They get used to living alone and won’t settle for anything less than what makes them truly happy
Therefore, after the time spent to find their true self, these women will start a relationship with someone who will encourage them to achieve success in life, someone that will keep up with them in every aspect of life.
Their partner will be someone that supports their passions, ambitions, and plans, and also respects their strength individuality and independence.

Such a woman will end up with a partner that will provide more love, care, and respect, and will add more meaning to her life.
Spending time uncoupled has also been found to be beneficial for the soul, as you can learn things about yourself that will help you the rest of your life, and in future relationships.
Jen Rives, Minneapolis-based licensed marriage and family therapist, says:
“Now is the time to thoroughly enjoy not being defined by being someone’s partner and getting lit up about your own life.”
Rives adds:
“Try to be in the here and now and absorb what it is that you have in your life instead of trying to change it. Whenever you work on yourself, it’s not time wasted.”